2 minute read

Written by - Millan Kaul

Why another blog with code snippet for test automation ?


This blog is not a theory chapter, direct code so go ahead and copy - paste and enjoy. All code snipets are in JavaScript.

… let’s get started.

Image depecting household tool to depict similarity between test automtion utils methods and helper fucntions Image credits: Vijay Verma

1. Function to Assert Response Status Code:

Check Expected vs Actual status code in your API response.

Make sure you set up axios or simply run npm i axios

function assertStatusCode(response, expectedStatusCode) {
  if (response.status !== expectedStatusCode) {
    console.error(`Expected status code: ${expectedStatusCode}, Actual status code: ${response.status}`);
    throw new Error(`Response status code mismatch. Expected: ${expectedStatusCode}, Actual: ${response.status}`);

2. Function to Send a GET Request:

const axios = require('axios');
async function sendGetRequest(url, headers = {}) {
  try {
    const response = await axios.get(url, { headers });
    return response.data;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error(`Failed to send GET request to ${url}:`, error);
    throw error;

3. Function to Send a POST Request:

Make sure you set up axios or simply run npm i axios

const axios = require('axios');

async function sendPostRequest(url, data, headers = {}) {
  try {
    const response = await axios.post(url, data, { headers });
    return response.data;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error(`Failed to send POST request to ${url}:`, error);
    throw error;

// Example usage
const apiUrl = 'https://api.domain.com/users';
const postData = { name: 'FirstName', age: 30, email: 'FirstName@domain.com' };
const requestHeaders = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Authorization: 'Bearer <your_auth_token>' };

const responseData = await sendPostRequest(apiUrl, postData, requestHeaders);
console.log(responseData); // Print the response data

πŸ’‘ Bonus tip - For PUT Request change above code to have axios.put() instead axios.post() of and perhaps rename sendPostRequest to sendPutRequest. So something like this :

async function sendPutRequest(url, data, headers = {}) {
await axios.put(url, data, { headers });

some more util specific : β†˜οΈ

4. Function to Compare Three 3️⃣ Strings:

function compareStrings(string1, string2, string3) {
  if (string1 === string2 && string2 === string3) {
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;


const string1 = 'quality';
const string2 = 'millan';
const string3 = 'millan';

const result = compareStrings(string1, string2, string3);
console.log(result); // Prints false, since string2 and string3 are not equal to string1

5. Function to Convert ISO Time to Local Time Zone:

function convertIsoToLocaleTime(isoTime, timeZone) {
  const date = new Date(isoTime);
  const options = { timeZone };
  return date.toLocaleString('en-US', options);

This function takes an ISO time string and a time zone as input, and returns the equivalent local time in the specified time zone.

For example:

const isoTime = '2023-04-07T10:30:00Z';
const timeZoneCanada = 'America/Toronto';
const timeZoneAustralia = 'Australia/Sydney';

const localTimeCanada = convertIsoToLocaleTime(isoTime, timeZoneCanada);
console.log(`Local time in Canada: ${localTimeCanada}`);

const localTimeAustralia = convertIsoToLocaleTime(isoTime, timeZoneAustralia);
console.log(`Local time in Australia: ${localTimeAustralia}`);

6. Check if a string contains another string (substring):

function stringContainsSubstring(str, substring) {
  return str.includes(substring);

Use it using :

const originalString = 'Quality With Millan';
const substring1 = 'quality';
const substring2 = 'without';

console.log(stringContainsSubstring(originalString, substring1)); // Prints true
console.log(stringContainsSubstring(originalString, substring2)); // Prints false

7. Function to Assert Response JSON Schema:

This function can be used to assert that the response data matches a given JSON schema, and throw an error if the validation fails.

/** ajv : https://www.npmjs.com/package/ajv
 *JSON validator for Node.js and browser.
const Ajv = require('ajv');

function assertJsonSchema(response, schema) {
  const ajv = new Ajv();
  const validate = ajv.compile(schema);
  const isValid = validate(response.data);
  if (!isValid) {
    console.error(`JSON schema validation failed: ${ajv.errorsText(validate.errors)}`);
    throw new Error(`Response JSON does not match the expected schema`);

Copy paste > save time and have fun with test automation !! πŸ™Œ

Follow this hash tag #QualityWithMillan